I am stoked about getting it out tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to start driving it more. Need to replace the water pump now. It gets too hot sitting in traffic. I've replaced everything but the water pump and radiator at this point. I'm expecting water pump is the culprit. When I flush the radiator it flows fine.
While wifie was gone I decided to mess with my old bass. My nice five string is at the old house for now. I'd been reading that a tube screamer, big muff and crybaby sound good with a bass so I tried that out. I'll have to agree that a tube screamer makes a crybaby sound sick. Very techno, crunchy stuff. I've not played bass with effects in a long time. I usually play my les paul as I know how it always sounds. For some reason my beautiful bride thinks I have too many guitars now. I've been told I shouldn't buy the super good deal Epi 335 on craigslist :(
I've seen some weird things in town recently that have really tripped me out. The best was the two big mean looking dudes driving crazy in a silver new Malibu with big pink butterfiles and a big Carolina Girl sticker on the back window. I was wondering if they were trying to be mean looking to cover up their relationship or if it was somebody else's car. The next best was a big dude on a small moped wearing a winter coat with a helmet over it. I'm not quite sure the logistics of that one. I don't know if he thought the moped was so powerful that he needed double padding or if the helmet was so big he needed the second layer. Really bizarre. Never know what you'll see around here with the freaks at the beach. A close runner up was (wish I'd been able to get a picture) one of those hoopty machines (old Chevy with 22+ inch weels) painted orange with a 01 on the side. As the to was higher than my van I couldn't tell if there was a confederate flag on top but I have a feeling that the NAACP wouldn't have been pleased in any event.
I reckon that's enough thoughts to think for one night. Going to bed to eat cheesy popcorn and watch Terminator.
Always think NKOTB are #1!!
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