Monday, April 6, 2009


What is it with Craigslist? Why can't people use the right grammar? You don't really have a Harley for sell. You don't really have a Boat to trade/sale. Spelling kills me also. It isn't really that difficult to use spellcheck (or common sense) before posting something.

While I'm ranting ... why do people think it's funny to treat my knowledge of working on computers and such as something funny. I can't count how many flippant comments I have about how people just don't know how I do it. I truly enjoy what I do but working with the users that don't have a clue and then need help to fix what they've broken (and continue to break) gets old. Especially after they ask their co-worker, friend, brother, sister's cousin twice removed (who is supposed to be very good with computers) to 'look' at it.

On a more positive note - what's up with the car industry. I work at a credit union and have been reading about the big three working deals with credit unions to make loans. What an awesome idea. Credit unions are all about helping people and those that are underserved. It's called Invest In American and appears to be working. Link to a story. What an awesome way to help the economy. If only our elected officials could be as creative!

And how time flies. We were at a birthday party for a good friend's baby's first birthday. What a day! I still remember being the first one that he told that they were having a baby. Seems like yesterday. My twins turn two in a couple of weeks. That doesn't seem possible either. Must mean I'm getting old. I reckon age is how you live life. Long as you don't act like you're old it's only a number.

Remember - a big bucket of buttery popcorn is the best dinner ever!


  1. I'm sensing a tiny bit of frustration... Let it out, buddy. Let it out.

    Dude - I'm way ahead of you on the popcorn. That's what we're having for dinner tonight. And I had ice cream for lunch. Your five-year-old would be proud.

  2. It would be nice if the government could come up with something more creative than firing the CEO, forcing companies into bankruptcy and throwing money into the air..
