Whew, it's been wayyyyy too long since I've been around these heyah parts. A move to TN, sales of race cars, buying new guitars, trucks, vans and motorcycles, oh my!
So, after 10 long years at my previous job, I found what seemed to be the perfect opportunity in Clarksville, TN. 30 minutes north of Nashville, mountains, cheap living, what could beat it right? Other than my world turning upside down three months after I started.
But, making the best of it. Enjoying making changes and having freedom to grow the technology, integration and do some really cool programming and bringing things into the 21st century as far as technology goes. We have a tremendously far way to go and (as most credit unions seem to be) are horribly understaffed in the technology area. When the goal is to serve members, that's where the budget and bodies go.
You'd think being two hours from NCM racetrack, three from Barber and four from St Louis, I'd be getting some racing done but, no. Had to apply for a waiver from the SCCA this year. Pretty sure since I last updated this, I've sold the #10 RX7 and bought an ITS Porsche 944 from a feller in Statesboro, NC. Several good races at CMP with it before moving. Big issue with the starter getting hot and not restarting until the engine cools off that still needs to be sorted out. Good times with Vintage Drivers Group of America at Roebling Road the end of 2014. Papa Bear and I have joined them and looking forward to that avenue for racing as well.
Joined a local church but with three boys, sports, etc. been a tad busy to get involved in music there. In fact, after living in this house since June, most of the guitars haven't even made it out of the cases. This work till 5:00 and living 30 minutes from work stinks!
And, to top it off, I talked my lovely bride into a DOG! Never thought it would happen. We're not dog people and never really had any interest. But, something about living on two acres in central TN it seemed like a good idea. So, we have a beautiful German Shepherd Dog who is the biggest baby I've ever met.
And, that's all for now folks!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2011
another year with nothing to do
Dang ... I have no idea where the past eight months have gone. must be church, racing, facebook, guitars, and craiglist looking for much of the above.
We were planning to go to Savannah in October for the HSR race but after talking with the folks at HSR was told that we'd be racing with IMSA cars and would be way outclassed. Decided to ride motorcycles down an watch the race instead.
So ... went racing for the last time back in December at Carolina Motorsports Park. Took both
race cars and ended up with a blown transmission in dad's car. Broke a battery cable on mine and the battery wouldn't hold a charge so we were only on track for about 15 minutes together and no matter how slow I went papa bear couldn't catch up. Hmm ... is there something to be said for that? First time we have both cars on the track at the same time after racing them at several tracks in the southeast.
It was a Saturday/Sunday track day. We managed to get on track quite a bit Saturday in dad's car (#66) while working on mine (#10). Then Sunday up bright and early ready to go. Only to have the tranny lose everything but second gear in dad's car. so .. we loaded up early and headed home.
Planning to go to CMP again this weekend (memorial day weekend 2011) with both cars. Dad replaced the tranny in his car with a spare that I had. taking off Thursday afternoon after I replace a blown fuel hose. Went to start my car to load it over the weekend and when I turned the fuel pumps on had gas spraying into the passenger floorboard. SCCA requires braided fuel hoses if they go through the interior which needed to be ordered. One thing after another with dang race cars.
In the spare time not dedicated to racing or my family I enjoy playing a little music. Was involved in the church worship team at Foundation Church playing bass for several months until we felt called to go elsewhere. Playing guitar with some friends in a little band we're trying to get going. Perhaps once we get some songs down and find a bass player that's in it for the fun rather than being too serious.
I bought myself a little Fender Champion 600 tube amp and fell in love with the sound of tubes. sold my big Line 6 which I rarely played anyhow and started rocking out with 5 watts of power. Then got an awesome Kustom 36 Coupe for Christmas from my parents. Something about a Les Paul through overdriven tubes is just 'right'. Helped some friends church launch Easter Sunday on guitar. Awesome to be able to serve the Lord through music like that. I'm really feeling that's my calling in this world. One way I'm very comfortable talking about my faith, what it means to be a Christ-follower and what He has done in my life. Not as threatening when on stage talking to people as a one-on-one conversation.
Still working in IT at the credit union. Going to management school here in a few months. Hopefully it'll help my prospects at this job. Been here more than six years now. Hard to beat a job where I work three blocks from the ocean and can go surfing after work whenever I want ...
Well ... the wife and eldest heir are home. I think they want cheese .. later dudes and dudettes!
We were planning to go to Savannah in October for the HSR race but after talking with the folks at HSR was told that we'd be racing with IMSA cars and would be way outclassed. Decided to ride motorcycles down an watch the race instead.
So ... went racing for the last time back in December at Carolina Motorsports Park. Took both

It was a Saturday/Sunday track day. We managed to get on track quite a bit Saturday in dad's car (#66) while working on mine (#10). Then Sunday up bright and early ready to go. Only to have the tranny lose everything but second gear in dad's car. so .. we loaded up early and headed home.
Planning to go to CMP again this weekend (memorial day weekend 2011) with both cars. Dad replaced the tranny in his car with a spare that I had. taking off Thursday afternoon after I replace a blown fuel hose. Went to start my car to load it over the weekend and when I turned the fuel pumps on had gas spraying into the passenger floorboard. SCCA requires braided fuel hoses if they go through the interior which needed to be ordered. One thing after another with dang race cars.

I bought myself a little Fender Champion 600 tube amp and fell in love with the sound of tubes. sold my big Line 6 which I rarely played anyhow and started rocking out with 5 watts of power. Then got an awesome Kustom 36 Coupe for Christmas from my parents. Something about a Les Paul through overdriven tubes is just 'right'. Helped some friends church launch Easter Sunday on guitar. Awesome to be able to serve the Lord through music like that. I'm really feeling that's my calling in this world. One way I'm very comfortable talking about my faith, what it means to be a Christ-follower and what He has done in my life. Not as threatening when on stage talking to people as a one-on-one conversation.
Still working in IT at the credit union. Going to management school here in a few months. Hopefully it'll help my prospects at this job. Been here more than six years now. Hard to beat a job where I work three blocks from the ocean and can go surfing after work whenever I want ...
Well ... the wife and eldest heir are home. I think they want cheese .. later dudes and dudettes!
Monday, September 27, 2010
race cars, kids, marawage and other cheesy thoughts
Wow -it's been like - forever since I've updated this last. Let's see, since then I've driven from Monterey CA to Phoenix AZ via Vegas and the Grand Canyon along with a detour for route 66. Was in Monterey for the Historic races then fulfilled a dream of starting to race at the Bondurant racing school, bought a couple of race cars and assorted paraphernalia, been to France for a week, been adopted by a pregnant cat, seen my three boys survive another 15 months without any emergency room visits and found a new, awesome church!
My wife thought I should use this to keep track of races. I tend to agree since I've not seemed to have any other real reason to keep track of it. To start the story, we (my dad, brother and myself) spent four days last summer at the Bondurant school of high performance driving. Three days in a Corvette C6, then a day in a Formula Mazda learning to find the limits and be able to drive in an official race. upon completion we were eligible for a regional racing license with the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America). Having a license burning a hole in my pocket I realized that we would actually need a race car and plan to make this happen. After looking at many different options and discussing what was best for us just starting out dad & I decided that the first gen Mazda RX7 would be a great way to start. Here in the Southeast we have IT7 that's a class just for these cars. Would give us other cars to directly compete with while keeping the costs under control. Shortly thereafter we ended up with two 1979 IT7 spec RX7s in my garage. After waiting out the winter, a couple of autocrosses (racing the clock around cones in a parking lot) we felt ready for our first race (and were able to coordinate schedules enough for it to happen).
July 17 - Road Atlanta SARRC - my first real track day. Got to the track Friday evening. Only took the car that I had (one ended up at my folks house ..) Unloaded, registered, ready to go. Plan is for me to race Saturday, Dad will race Sunday.
Saturday morning qualifying starts well. I'm nervous live crazy. not sure what to expect. Start out the slow first lap. Never been on track at RA before to know the track. Coming into the first full lap on turn 1 my back brakes lock up, I spin and hit the car coming under me. I end up backwards facing oncoming traffic. Totally killed confidence in the car and my driving. I muddle through the rest of qualifying. End up dead last but at least I finished. Get out of the car at the end only to realize I lost my bumper and airdam in the crash. Bent my hood and fender up. I had no idea.
Spent the time between qualify and the race bending the front back out enough to race. I got back on the track but babying the car. Staying off line so everyone can get around me. I barely made it through. Waved in with about five minutes left in the race to be told I was too slow and was a danger to the other drivers. Fortunately, I had completed enough laps for it to count as a race.
Sunday - Dad went out qualified okay. Clean run. He felt the back tires locked up too soon. Nothing we wanted to mess with at a race though. He ran the race Sunday. Got the checkered flag at the end. We loaded the car for home feeling like we'd accomplished a great victory. The car was drivable, we weren't hurt. Realizing that Road Atlanta was probably a very poor choice for a first race.
August 6-7 - Sebring FL SARRC - I was in need of a second race to keep my license (have to do two completed races per license year to keep racing license). We were on vacation at my folks house in FL. Decided that a six hour drive to Sebring would be a fun time, drive a neat track and get another race in. This time we did two things more intelligent. 1) we spent the week driving Sebring on Xbox 2) got to the track Friday for the track day. A good time to spend a couple of sessions on track with only a couple of other cars. We were driving the other car and learning how it handled. But, by Friday afternoon I felt good on the track, ready for the big day Saturday.
headed to the track early Saturday morning. We were the first group out for qualifying around 8:00. Car was running very well. I wasn't anywhere near the fastest but also wasn't an embarrassment. Sebring is an awesome track. Long with plenty of curves but enough straights to really give an impression of speed. Flat with lots of runoff, everything that Road Atlanta was not. When I came in from qualifying was told by a steward that my exhaust was dragging. In the pits we found that the cover under the radiator had come loose and was dragging. Sebring was an air force base and the track is very rough. Hard on all parts of the car. we'd lost several bolts. using a bunch of zip ties we got it back in place and ready to go for the race. I expected to race after lunch, around 1:00. that's how it was in Atlanta. We were sitting in the truck enjoying the AC and planning our afternoon strategy about 10:45 when the message came over the loudspeaker for group 1 to report to grid for afternoon race! Needless to say I was suited up and in the car in record time. On track around 11:00 for a full 30 minute race. I chased an ITA car for most of the race. I was about dead on qualifying time with my fastest lap of the day. Finished totally overheated but ecstatic to have finished and feeling like I'd done reasonably well. I'm really wanting to get back to Sebring.
Headed home right after the race. Dad had plans for Sunday so I was the only one able to run a race at Sebring.
September 18-19 - Carolina Motorsports Park CCPS - Dad needed to get his second race for the year and my brother needed something since he's getting married in July and is concerned about how that will affect his racing career. Found the CCPS (Carolina Cup Pro Series) races are 45 minutes with a mandatory two minute pit stop. Perfect time to change driver's and get credit for everyone. CMP is only about three hours from me so I hauled my car over. Dad was in town on vacation so it worked well for him to go over as well. Since he was the one that most needed the race he started the day. 20 minute practice, 20 minute qualifying then the race. About 30 minutes into the race we realize the radios must not be working and start waiving the emergency flag (orange shirt) at dad so he knows to pit for driver swap. He made it in and Brandon roared out for his first laps in a 'real' IT race car. Brakes were overheated and virtually useless, track was slick and tires were having a hard time with traction. Fortunately he made it through fine and saw the checkered his first go! The team ended up fourth in IT7.
During the pit stop we were told the muffler was dragging. I looked at it and realized that nothing could be done there. It wasn't on the ground and nothing was scraped up so it didn't appear to be hitting bad. The RX7 rotary engine runs super-hot so messing with it wasn't an option. Official walked off, Brandon rolled. Though we realized we needed to fix it before racing Sunday.
Sunday was to be Brandon's day. With finishing Saturday it counts as a race for him so Sunday would be his second needed for the year. He went out for practice, did well. Qualified a couple of seconds faster than dad did which is boding well for the race! The radio worked great while he was out. There were several double yellow flags meaning no pit stops and following the pace car. Brandon did a good job gaining some time during those with no traffic trying to pass him. After about 30 minutes we called him in and I got my turn in the hot, non-stopping car. Pulled out of the pits at CMP and babied the first lap around some. Trying to learn the track, braking points, turn in points, watching other cars, etc. Coming down the front straight past start/finish I decide it's time to turn up the wick. Forgetting that I came in from pit just past turn 1 so I didn't go through it. This turn is about 90 degrees and very slow. I was in fifth pushing hard when I remembered it. Overheated brakes didn't really want to slow down and tires didn't want to grip. I managed to get down to third, gritting my teeth and cranking the wheel making it around clean. It couldn't have been elegant but it was sufficient. I think I only got about five laps in the final 15 minutes or so that I had but it was blast.
CMP is a very well designed track. We have bought a membership there meaning we can go for open track days reasonably often. Be a good time to get both cars up there, run against each other in a non-racing environment, test changes for the cars and otherwise become more competitive.
Brandon & I finished second in IT7. There were only two cars in IT7 but three had qualified. We outlasted it. brought home a nice plaque for the garage wall! We were about 10 seconds slower than the other IT7 car so something to work up to. I know the speed is there. Just need more time on the track, in the car and getting everything just right. With no airdam we're not getting sufficient air to the brakes, I also think it's affecting air to the radiator and making it not run as cool as it should.
Since the RX7 is such old car it's also eligible for historic races. Dad & I are planning to go to Savannah the last weekend of October for an HSR race. Probably only take one car though due to time constraints.
Found out that my brother, being the loving fiance that he is, agreed to not race, track days, etc. until he's married in July. We're making plans for 2011, what tracks to be at, how to tune the cars and when we'll be out. now that we have the membership at CMP we have a home track to learn well and really be able to tweak the cars to our liking. Can't wait to get back out again!
SCCA allows 15 year olds to race. Oscar is seven. I want to get him into karts so he'll be ready (if he wants). We keep talking about just trying this for a year to see if we all enjoy it. Hopefully we're good and want to keep on!
My wife thought I should use this to keep track of races. I tend to agree since I've not seemed to have any other real reason to keep track of it. To start the story, we (my dad, brother and myself) spent four days last summer at the Bondurant school of high performance driving. Three days in a Corvette C6, then a day in a Formula Mazda learning to find the limits and be able to drive in an official race. upon completion we were eligible for a regional racing license with the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America). Having a license burning a hole in my pocket I realized that we would actually need a race car and plan to make this happen. After looking at many different options and discussing what was best for us just starting out dad & I decided that the first gen Mazda RX7 would be a great way to start. Here in the Southeast we have IT7 that's a class just for these cars. Would give us other cars to directly compete with while keeping the costs under control. Shortly thereafter we ended up with two 1979 IT7 spec RX7s in my garage. After waiting out the winter, a couple of autocrosses (racing the clock around cones in a parking lot) we felt ready for our first race (and were able to coordinate schedules enough for it to happen).
July 17 - Road Atlanta SARRC - my first real track day. Got to the track Friday evening. Only took the car that I had (one ended up at my folks house ..) Unloaded, registered, ready to go. Plan is for me to race Saturday, Dad will race Sunday.
Saturday morning qualifying starts well. I'm nervous live crazy. not sure what to expect. Start out the slow first lap. Never been on track at RA before to know the track. Coming into the first full lap on turn 1 my back brakes lock up, I spin and hit the car coming under me. I end up backwards facing oncoming traffic. Totally killed confidence in the car and my driving. I muddle through the rest of qualifying. End up dead last but at least I finished. Get out of the car at the end only to realize I lost my bumper and airdam in the crash. Bent my hood and fender up. I had no idea.
Spent the time between qualify and the race bending the front back out enough to race. I got back on the track but babying the car. Staying off line so everyone can get around me. I barely made it through. Waved in with about five minutes left in the race to be told I was too slow and was a danger to the other drivers. Fortunately, I had completed enough laps for it to count as a race.
Sunday - Dad went out qualified okay. Clean run. He felt the back tires locked up too soon. Nothing we wanted to mess with at a race though. He ran the race Sunday. Got the checkered flag at the end. We loaded the car for home feeling like we'd accomplished a great victory. The car was drivable, we weren't hurt. Realizing that Road Atlanta was probably a very poor choice for a first race.
August 6-7 - Sebring FL SARRC - I was in need of a second race to keep my license (have to do two completed races per license year to keep racing license). We were on vacation at my folks house in FL. Decided that a six hour drive to Sebring would be a fun time, drive a neat track and get another race in. This time we did two things more intelligent. 1) we spent the week driving Sebring on Xbox 2) got to the track Friday for the track day. A good time to spend a couple of sessions on track with only a couple of other cars. We were driving the other car and learning how it handled. But, by Friday afternoon I felt good on the track, ready for the big day Saturday.
headed to the track early Saturday morning. We were the first group out for qualifying around 8:00. Car was running very well. I wasn't anywhere near the fastest but also wasn't an embarrassment. Sebring is an awesome track. Long with plenty of curves but enough straights to really give an impression of speed. Flat with lots of runoff, everything that Road Atlanta was not. When I came in from qualifying was told by a steward that my exhaust was dragging. In the pits we found that the cover under the radiator had come loose and was dragging. Sebring was an air force base and the track is very rough. Hard on all parts of the car. we'd lost several bolts. using a bunch of zip ties we got it back in place and ready to go for the race. I expected to race after lunch, around 1:00. that's how it was in Atlanta. We were sitting in the truck enjoying the AC and planning our afternoon strategy about 10:45 when the message came over the loudspeaker for group 1 to report to grid for afternoon race! Needless to say I was suited up and in the car in record time. On track around 11:00 for a full 30 minute race. I chased an ITA car for most of the race. I was about dead on qualifying time with my fastest lap of the day. Finished totally overheated but ecstatic to have finished and feeling like I'd done reasonably well. I'm really wanting to get back to Sebring.
Headed home right after the race. Dad had plans for Sunday so I was the only one able to run a race at Sebring.
September 18-19 - Carolina Motorsports Park CCPS - Dad needed to get his second race for the year and my brother needed something since he's getting married in July and is concerned about how that will affect his racing career. Found the CCPS (Carolina Cup Pro Series) races are 45 minutes with a mandatory two minute pit stop. Perfect time to change driver's and get credit for everyone. CMP is only about three hours from me so I hauled my car over. Dad was in town on vacation so it worked well for him to go over as well. Since he was the one that most needed the race he started the day. 20 minute practice, 20 minute qualifying then the race. About 30 minutes into the race we realize the radios must not be working and start waiving the emergency flag (orange shirt) at dad so he knows to pit for driver swap. He made it in and Brandon roared out for his first laps in a 'real' IT race car. Brakes were overheated and virtually useless, track was slick and tires were having a hard time with traction. Fortunately he made it through fine and saw the checkered his first go! The team ended up fourth in IT7.
During the pit stop we were told the muffler was dragging. I looked at it and realized that nothing could be done there. It wasn't on the ground and nothing was scraped up so it didn't appear to be hitting bad. The RX7 rotary engine runs super-hot so messing with it wasn't an option. Official walked off, Brandon rolled. Though we realized we needed to fix it before racing Sunday.
Sunday was to be Brandon's day. With finishing Saturday it counts as a race for him so Sunday would be his second needed for the year. He went out for practice, did well. Qualified a couple of seconds faster than dad did which is boding well for the race! The radio worked great while he was out. There were several double yellow flags meaning no pit stops and following the pace car. Brandon did a good job gaining some time during those with no traffic trying to pass him. After about 30 minutes we called him in and I got my turn in the hot, non-stopping car. Pulled out of the pits at CMP and babied the first lap around some. Trying to learn the track, braking points, turn in points, watching other cars, etc. Coming down the front straight past start/finish I decide it's time to turn up the wick. Forgetting that I came in from pit just past turn 1 so I didn't go through it. This turn is about 90 degrees and very slow. I was in fifth pushing hard when I remembered it. Overheated brakes didn't really want to slow down and tires didn't want to grip. I managed to get down to third, gritting my teeth and cranking the wheel making it around clean. It couldn't have been elegant but it was sufficient. I think I only got about five laps in the final 15 minutes or so that I had but it was blast.
CMP is a very well designed track. We have bought a membership there meaning we can go for open track days reasonably often. Be a good time to get both cars up there, run against each other in a non-racing environment, test changes for the cars and otherwise become more competitive.
Brandon & I finished second in IT7. There were only two cars in IT7 but three had qualified. We outlasted it. brought home a nice plaque for the garage wall! We were about 10 seconds slower than the other IT7 car so something to work up to. I know the speed is there. Just need more time on the track, in the car and getting everything just right. With no airdam we're not getting sufficient air to the brakes, I also think it's affecting air to the radiator and making it not run as cool as it should.
Since the RX7 is such old car it's also eligible for historic races. Dad & I are planning to go to Savannah the last weekend of October for an HSR race. Probably only take one car though due to time constraints.
Found out that my brother, being the loving fiance that he is, agreed to not race, track days, etc. until he's married in July. We're making plans for 2011, what tracks to be at, how to tune the cars and when we'll be out. now that we have the membership at CMP we have a home track to learn well and really be able to tweak the cars to our liking. Can't wait to get back out again!
SCCA allows 15 year olds to race. Oscar is seven. I want to get him into karts so he'll be ready (if he wants). We keep talking about just trying this for a year to see if we all enjoy it. Hopefully we're good and want to keep on!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Links and stories of note
After reading the news recently I'm beginning to really questioning what type of society we're living in. While I hesitate to be a fear-monger or otherwise question our government, popular entertainment, city leaders and those 'in charge' it appears there is a vast lack of knowledge, thought and caring for any views other than those of their own.
Some recent stories that have piqued my interest
Spoofing Miss California view of marriage - why is it okay for Hollywood 'actors' to be Representative of social consciousness and push their feelings and agendas on the rest of us?
Miss California in ad for traditional marriage - now we're requiring ladies in beauty pageants to represent values chosen by popular consent? C'mon ... she said what she believes and made a stand. just because it doesn't reflect what the liberals in California want it to does not mean that it isn't valid. Why isn't aren't Christians standing up for Ms Prejean and her stance on marriage being between a man and woman. This is perfectly acceptable. Typical double talk by liberals wanting any view to be accepted as long as it matches theirs. How hypocritical can a 'philosophy' be? If you disagree with someone or their beliefs there should be room to discuss, argue or come to an agreement to agree to disagree. To continue to threaten, belittle and ridicule is absolutely worthless use of time and breath for liberals and in this humble person's opinion a complete show of lack of knowledge and intellectual stupidity.
Is Corvette following Pontiac in the death march of the Obama administration? - While American automakers haven't been building cars that American buyers really want having the government take over the decision of what types of cars can be built and telling the manufacturers what is expected of them spells certain death to the American auto industry as we know it. While there is a need for drastic change (as well as better made cars) in the midst of a recession isn't the time for government to step in. If the 'Detroit 3' stop making performance cars, SUVs, etc. them buyers will buy cars from non-US brands. Chevy has continued to bring the Corvette up to the level of a world class sports car. Now that it's existence is threatened what will keep buyers from going back to Porsche, Audi, etc. There is always competition. Why force Chrysler to allow Fiat to take a 20% stake. Why send that much to an Italian company rather than keep it in the US? Real lack of knowledge or caring for the viability of the US auto industry in Washington these days.
An on to close to home for me
Myrtle Beach banishing bikers - it's amazing when this makes it onto Fox News. City council of Myrtle Beach is doing their best to kill the economy, not only of the city but the strand. While I understand some of the logic behind their new regulations and what they are trying to accomplish there are much better ways to do it than declaring war on bike week. The fact that it's only the city of Myrtle Beach and not the county or surrounding towns say something about how locals truly feel. MB City Council has allowed a small but vocal group of residents determine their future. Many bikers aren't coming this year and of the ones that are many are doing the best they can to avoid MB city limits. Mayor Rhodes has said he will continue to raise taxes until the bikers are gone. While I work in city limits I live outside and am doing my best to keep all of my business outside of the city.
For those that aren't as knowledgeable about what's going on around here there is a great website that talks about it as well as the background - biker's rights
well. My battery is telling me it is time to be done. Off to eat cheese!
Some recent stories that have piqued my interest
Spoofing Miss California view of marriage - why is it okay for Hollywood 'actors' to be Representative of social consciousness and push their feelings and agendas on the rest of us?
Miss California in ad for traditional marriage - now we're requiring ladies in beauty pageants to represent values chosen by popular consent? C'mon ... she said what she believes and made a stand. just because it doesn't reflect what the liberals in California want it to does not mean that it isn't valid. Why isn't aren't Christians standing up for Ms Prejean and her stance on marriage being between a man and woman. This is perfectly acceptable. Typical double talk by liberals wanting any view to be accepted as long as it matches theirs. How hypocritical can a 'philosophy' be? If you disagree with someone or their beliefs there should be room to discuss, argue or come to an agreement to agree to disagree. To continue to threaten, belittle and ridicule is absolutely worthless use of time and breath for liberals and in this humble person's opinion a complete show of lack of knowledge and intellectual stupidity.
Is Corvette following Pontiac in the death march of the Obama administration? - While American automakers haven't been building cars that American buyers really want having the government take over the decision of what types of cars can be built and telling the manufacturers what is expected of them spells certain death to the American auto industry as we know it. While there is a need for drastic change (as well as better made cars) in the midst of a recession isn't the time for government to step in. If the 'Detroit 3' stop making performance cars, SUVs, etc. them buyers will buy cars from non-US brands. Chevy has continued to bring the Corvette up to the level of a world class sports car. Now that it's existence is threatened what will keep buyers from going back to Porsche, Audi, etc. There is always competition. Why force Chrysler to allow Fiat to take a 20% stake. Why send that much to an Italian company rather than keep it in the US? Real lack of knowledge or caring for the viability of the US auto industry in Washington these days.
An on to close to home for me
Myrtle Beach banishing bikers - it's amazing when this makes it onto Fox News. City council of Myrtle Beach is doing their best to kill the economy, not only of the city but the strand. While I understand some of the logic behind their new regulations and what they are trying to accomplish there are much better ways to do it than declaring war on bike week. The fact that it's only the city of Myrtle Beach and not the county or surrounding towns say something about how locals truly feel. MB City Council has allowed a small but vocal group of residents determine their future. Many bikers aren't coming this year and of the ones that are many are doing the best they can to avoid MB city limits. Mayor Rhodes has said he will continue to raise taxes until the bikers are gone. While I work in city limits I live outside and am doing my best to keep all of my business outside of the city.
For those that aren't as knowledgeable about what's going on around here there is a great website that talks about it as well as the background - biker's rights
well. My battery is telling me it is time to be done. Off to eat cheese!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Music, WalMart and weirdness
So my lovely wife went to pick up some stuff from Freecycle tonight. Three hours later she's still gone. I call to find out where she is and she's out roaming around Wal Mart. The black hole that sucks all my money. Some people have boats, motorcycles, cars, guitars or other 'interesting' hobbies to spend money on. When I balance the checkbook I realize all of our money goes to Wal Mart. Urgh.
After working around the house a little (dishes and laundry ... just a hair to help) I fire up the Corvette to make sure it will run to drive to work tomorrow. Check the tires and realize that part of the reason it may have been handling a bit oddly is due to super-low tire pressure as much as it's in need of an alignment. I do know it needs an alignment though. About a year ago I was coming back from the exhuast shop after having an H pipe put on as well as connecting the rest to my new headers when I felt something a little weird in the back. Pulled over to the side of the road and had smoke pouring out of the driver's side rear wheelwell. My five year old still points to where we pulled over to remind me of where the Corvette broke down. Called a tow truck to get it home. Coming off the flatbed I see the rear wheel wobbling around like crazy. Come to find out it's the rear wheel bearing. Wouldn't you know that it's as expensive to replace wheel
bearings as it is to put new trailing arms on. Decided as they were more than 40 years old it was a good time to replace them both. Ordered offset ones from Van Steel and after several weeks fighting with rusty bolts and a sawzall I was able to get the new ones on. Of course while I was at it I decided it would be a great time to replace the brake lines, clean up the calipers and otherwise rebuild the brake system. That led into a six month long project on weekends and any spare time I had. I think it is safe to say that I have rebuilt the entire suspension now though.
I am stoked about getting it out tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to start driving it more. Need to replace the water pump now. It gets too hot sitting in traffic. I've replaced everything but the water pump and radiator at this point. I'm expecting water pump is the culprit. When I flush the radiator it flows fine.
While wifie was gone I decided to mess with my old bass. My nice five string is at the old house for now. I'd been reading that a tube screamer, big muff and crybaby sound good with a bass so I tried that out. I'll have to agree that a tube screamer makes a crybaby sound sick. Very techno, crunchy stuff. I've not played bass with effects in a long time. I usually play my les paul as I know how it always sounds. For some reason my beautiful bride thinks I have too many guitars now. I've been told I shouldn't buy the super good deal Epi 335 on craigslist :(
I've seen some weird things in town recently that have really tripped me out. The best was the two big mean looking dudes driving crazy in a silver new Malibu with big pink butterfiles and a big Carolina Girl sticker on the back window. I was wondering if they were trying to be mean looking to cover up their relationship or if it was somebody else's car. The next best was a big dude on a small moped wearing a winter coat with a helmet over it. I'm not quite sure the logistics of that one. I don't know if he thought the moped was so powerful that he needed double padding or if the helmet was so big he needed the second layer. Really bizarre. Never know what you'll see around here with the freaks at the beach. A close runner up was (wish I'd been able to get a picture) one of those hoopty machines (old Chevy with 22+ inch weels) painted orange with a 01 on the side. As the to was higher than my van I couldn't tell if there was a confederate flag on top but I have a feeling that the NAACP wouldn't have been pleased in any event.
I reckon that's enough thoughts to think for one night. Going to bed to eat cheesy popcorn and watch Terminator.
Always think NKOTB are #1!!
I am stoked about getting it out tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to start driving it more. Need to replace the water pump now. It gets too hot sitting in traffic. I've replaced everything but the water pump and radiator at this point. I'm expecting water pump is the culprit. When I flush the radiator it flows fine.
While wifie was gone I decided to mess with my old bass. My nice five string is at the old house for now. I'd been reading that a tube screamer, big muff and crybaby sound good with a bass so I tried that out. I'll have to agree that a tube screamer makes a crybaby sound sick. Very techno, crunchy stuff. I've not played bass with effects in a long time. I usually play my les paul as I know how it always sounds. For some reason my beautiful bride thinks I have too many guitars now. I've been told I shouldn't buy the super good deal Epi 335 on craigslist :(
I've seen some weird things in town recently that have really tripped me out. The best was the two big mean looking dudes driving crazy in a silver new Malibu with big pink butterfiles and a big Carolina Girl sticker on the back window. I was wondering if they were trying to be mean looking to cover up their relationship or if it was somebody else's car. The next best was a big dude on a small moped wearing a winter coat with a helmet over it. I'm not quite sure the logistics of that one. I don't know if he thought the moped was so powerful that he needed double padding or if the helmet was so big he needed the second layer. Really bizarre. Never know what you'll see around here with the freaks at the beach. A close runner up was (wish I'd been able to get a picture) one of those hoopty machines (old Chevy with 22+ inch weels) painted orange with a 01 on the side. As the to was higher than my van I couldn't tell if there was a confederate flag on top but I have a feeling that the NAACP wouldn't have been pleased in any event.
I reckon that's enough thoughts to think for one night. Going to bed to eat cheesy popcorn and watch Terminator.
Always think NKOTB are #1!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
What is it with Craigslist? Why can't people use the right grammar? You don't really have a Harley for sell. You don't really have a Boat to trade/sale. Spelling kills me also. It isn't really that difficult to use spellcheck (or common sense) before posting something.
While I'm ranting ... why do people think it's funny to treat my knowledge of working on computers and such as something funny. I can't count how many flippant comments I have about how people just don't know how I do it. I truly enjoy what I do but working with the users that don't have a clue and then need help to fix what they've broken (and continue to break) gets old. Especially after they ask their co-worker, friend, brother, sister's cousin twice removed (who is supposed to be very good with computers) to 'look' at it.
On a more positive note - what's up with the car industry. I work at a credit union and have been reading about the big three working deals with credit unions to make loans. What an awesome idea. Credit unions are all about helping people and those that are underserved. It's called Invest In American and appears to be working. Link to a story. What an awesome way to help the economy. If only our elected officials could be as creative!
And how time flies. We were at a birthday party for a good friend's baby's first birthday. What a day! I still remember being the first one that he told that they were having a baby. Seems like yesterday. My twins turn two in a couple of weeks. That doesn't seem possible either. Must mean I'm getting old. I reckon age is how you live life. Long as you don't act like you're old it's only a number.
Remember - a big bucket of buttery popcorn is the best dinner ever!
While I'm ranting ... why do people think it's funny to treat my knowledge of working on computers and such as something funny. I can't count how many flippant comments I have about how people just don't know how I do it. I truly enjoy what I do but working with the users that don't have a clue and then need help to fix what they've broken (and continue to break) gets old. Especially after they ask their co-worker, friend, brother, sister's cousin twice removed (who is supposed to be very good with computers) to 'look' at it.
On a more positive note - what's up with the car industry. I work at a credit union and have been reading about the big three working deals with credit unions to make loans. What an awesome idea. Credit unions are all about helping people and those that are underserved. It's called Invest In American and appears to be working. Link to a story. What an awesome way to help the economy. If only our elected officials could be as creative!
And how time flies. We were at a birthday party for a good friend's baby's first birthday. What a day! I still remember being the first one that he told that they were having a baby. Seems like yesterday. My twins turn two in a couple of weeks. That doesn't seem possible either. Must mean I'm getting old. I reckon age is how you live life. Long as you don't act like you're old it's only a number.
Remember - a big bucket of buttery popcorn is the best dinner ever!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Yet another totally random thought (two in one night ... whodda thunk)!. We were at a different church on Sunday which was a unique experience. It was all prayer and worship. Not the traditional Sunday service. I enjoyed it for the most part but that's not where I'm going. One of the prayer times was for our country. The lady that was leading that time was talking about how Satan is really good about using our political views as a distraction and a way to drive a wedge between us, our country and our government. I found this very insightful as I'm not very fond of our new president but I truly believe the best thing we can do is pray for him and the administration. I believe that's what the Lord would have us do as Christians rather than continue the false internet rumors, gossip and overall complaining about all the issues we have with decisions he makes. Just think of how the majority of Jews felt about Jesus when he was on earth talking about 'change' and overturning the ruling powers. He was crucified for his talk of change. Are we doing what's most productive to show our light and love of Christ to others when we are talking nasty about the leader the vast majority of America voted for? It really made me think about what I say and how I talk about our government listening to this lady talk. We need to build up and guide with prayer (unless in a position to do something - which we can by our votes each fall)! I'm tired of people complaining or talking about things they don't really know anything about rather than what we as citizens of this great country can do to make a vast change and bring it back to focus on being a Godly nation again.
remember Cheese is awesome!
remember Cheese is awesome!
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